
We are pioneers and experts in performing rhytidoplasty in Colombia
+1000 rhytidoplasties performed
20 years performing rhytidoplasties
Rhytidoplasty is the surgery that we currently perform the most
Did you know that it is possible to rejuvenate up to 10 years in 6 hours?
Well, this is possible with rhytidoplasty, a surgery we perform to rejuvenate the face and neck.
Due to the action of gravity, all the tissues of the face and body tend to fall and there comes a point at which medical-aesthetic treatments are not enough to obtain a good result that is maintained. over time, so for those people over 45 years of age who are already beginning to notice signs of aging such as looking tired or sad all the time, this is the ideal management.
Rhytidoplasty, better known as a face lift, tries to reposition the deepest tissues of the face and eliminate excess skin with the purpose of giving the person the appearance of 10 years younger.
There are various techniques so the incisions vary as well. as the area to be treated. Three fundamental areas are recognized: the frontal region that includes the eyelids in which the wounds will be made on the scalp; the cheek region with incisions in the preauricular region that may extend to behind the ear and the cervical region that is treated from the wound to the front of the ear and may require another incision in the crease under the chin. The areas to be treated vary according to each patient.
If you wonder about scars, you should know that in expert hands they are well positioned to be discreet and almost invisible, since they go from the scalp through the tragus bordering the auricular region It is located posteriorly and is hidden in the hairline of the scalp.
The definitive results are seen after 4 or 6 months after the surgery.
What can be the complications of rhytidoplasty?
Although rare, complications can include hematoma, bleeding, and skin infections if incisions are not treated as indicated.
What is recovery from rhytidoplasty like?
After surgery, the patient is placed with a drain and a facial bandage. He usually returns home the same day. The suture in the tragus region is removed after approximately 5 days and that in the scalp and posterior region in 10 days. The postoperative pain of this surgery is minimal. It is important to protect yourself from the sun for at least a month and get into the habit of applying sunscreen.
What are all the benefits of rhytidoplasty?
Alterations such as are corrected:
- Sagging of the skin, fatty tissue and muscle tissue.
- Superficial and deep furrows and expression lines.
- Modifies facial expression by increasing turgor and tissue support.
- The muscles and ligaments of the face are repositioned, counteracting the changes caused by the force of gravity and the weakening of the tissues that support the face.
- Increases self-esteem.
What? What is another name for rhytidoplasty surgery?
- Face lift
- face lift
- Facial and neck rejuvenation
- Facial aging operation
- Rhytidectomy
Surgical time:
3 to 6 hours approx
Disability time:
10 days
Local anesthesia plus sedation for the patient's tranquility and relaxation
Duration of results:
10 to 15 years
Results Gallery: