Hyaluronic Acid (Rhinomodelling, Lips, Dark Circles)

It is a minimally invasive and resorbable medical treatment that hydrates, replenishes lost volumes, defines the facial contour, softens fine and deep static wrinkles in various areas of the body.
We also use it to:
- Outline, volumize and hydrate the lips
- Outline the nose
- Correct the nasal hump
- Return volume lost in dark circles
- Rejuvenate the back of the hands.
- Correct wrinkles on the neck.
- Reduce nasolabial folds (expression lines that go from both sides of the nose to the mouth).
- Recover the frame of the face
- Improve the appearance of scars, including surgical scars.
This is an outpatient treatment performed in a doctor's office and should only be performed by an expert doctor.
The brand we use is : Belotero®
Immediate results: Definitive after fifteen days
Surgical time:
30 minutes
Disability time:
Duration of results:
From 12 to 18 months depending on the individual response of the patient
Results Gallery: